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SPEX Certiprep LLC
MicroMix Pharma USP51 (E.coli - ATCC8739)
Quantitative Reference Cultures for USP 51 and Antimicrobial Effectiveness Testing
Each kit contains 10 vials of dehydrated E. coli (BSL-1) at a concentration above 2.5 X 10E8 and 10 vials of hydration fluid.
Manufactured from USP specified pure organism strains using media and procedures conforming to USP specifications.
Supplied with sterile hydration fluid, simply add a single sample to the 1.2 mL buffer and swirl.
Resulting inoculant activity will be at least 2.5 X 10E8 CFU per mL.
The activity of each lot of organisms is analytically certified by spiral count on USP specified media. We analyze at least 20 samples from each production lot for activity confidence.
